Cannon thinks, I wish I'd grown up religious.
Cannon thinks, I could've used the community religion offers.
Cannon thinks, Elevators are freaking terrifying.
Cannon thinks, If I get stuck on an elevator, I'm praying to God.
Cannon thinks, I love the idea of yachts.
Cannon thinks, They're symbols of wealth and you can ride the seas with them.
Cannon thinks, Skyscrapers are too darn tall.
Cannon thinks, I want a skyscraper sized yacht.
Cannon thinks, It seems like only rich white dudes don't like Jazz
Cannon thinks, They're wrong about a lot of things
Cannon thinks, Shrimp is the best seafood.
Cannon thinks, Rich dudes probably don't like shrimp either.
Cannon thinks, I wish I didn't have to have taken ballet lessons.
Cannon thinks, Ballet is for watching, not doing.
Cannon thinks, Death will take us all sooner or later.
Cannon thinks, Watching toddlers do ballet makes me die from cuteness.
Cannon thinks, I don't get why sitting is bad for you.
Cannon thinks, Yes, I know it hurts your back.
Cannon thinks, I don't see what's so great about Judy Garland.
Cannon thinks, I want to sit on her face.
Cannon thinks, I read an article today about a professional farter.
Cannon thinks, That sounds like my dream job.
Cannon thinks, People are always throwing away good food!
Cannon thinks, I'll be a professional quote eats out of trash cans unquote.
Cannon thinks, Why are boys so scared of wearing pink?
Cannon thinks, They think if they wear pink they'll have to make out with Leonard Dicaprio.
Cannon thinks, Skirts are the best clothes.
Cannon thinks, All boys should wear skirts.
Cannon thinks, City's switching from busses to streetcars.
Cannon thinks, Are streetcars faster than busses?
Cannon thinks, Birds aren't special just cause they fly.
Cannon thinks, if streetcars could fly, I'd be interested.
Cannon thinks, It's weird that hearts are a symbol for romance.
There's a cop in the background. Cannon thinks, I'd rather live than be in love.
Cannon is being arrested. Cannon thinks, I'm so lucky I don't smoke.
Cannon is being driven away in a police car. Cannon thinks, Love should be represnted with cigarettes.
Cannon is in a cell. Cannon thinks, I don't think rain ever helped anyone.
Cannnon is being interrogated. Cannon thinks, I mean, it waters crops, sure.
Cannon is being tried in court. Cannon thinks, Slides are the best playground equipment.
Cannon is being given her prison uniform. Cannon thinks, Going down rainy slides sucks.
Cannon is being led to her cell. Cannon thinks, Videogames will not cause world peace.
Cannon is lying in her prison bed. Cannon thinks, Videogames will not cause the apocalypse.
Cannon is in the outdoor prison area. Cannon thinks, I think I ate bad pork earlier.
Cannon is in her cell again, scratching tic tac toe games on the walls. Cannon thinks, Videogames might cause indigestion.
Cannon is eating her prison meal. Cannon thinks, Knives are scarier than guns.
Cannon is being assigned community service. Cannon thinks, Guns are pretty darn scary.
Cannon is in line with a bunch of other prisoners, all carrying claws for picking up trash. Cannon thinks, I'd love to climb Mount Everest.
Cannon picks trash off the ground while a cop watches. Cannon thinks, Knives are less scary than hypothermia.
Cannon is still picking trash off the streets, with an almost full trash bag. Cannon thinks, Are teen boys still into Nietzche?
The cops are ignoring Cannon. Cannon thinks, Do they still think they're the ubermensch?
Cannon picks a man's pocket while still collecting trash. Cannon thinks, I would kill for Lucile Ball's autograph.
Cannon is done collecting trash, the cops are having her sign something indoors. Cannon thinks, If anyone is the ubermensch, she is.
Cannon is being given back her street clothes. Cannon thinks, Do beans really make you fart?
Cannon leaves the prison out the front door, redoing her ponytail as she does so. Cannon thinks, Dad ate a lot of beans and he didn't fart.
Cannon is back on the crowded city streets. Cannon thinks, Puking is the worst fun activity.
Cannon picks someone's pocket. Cannon thinks, Beans made Dad puke.
Cannon thinks, Gourmet food critics have too much spending money.
Cannon thinks, they should be taxed by the ounce.
Cannon thinks, Don't complain about apolitical things being politicized.
Cannon thinks, Let's put politics into fancy food.

That's every single Cannon comic I ever published, but there's actually a whole bunch more I drew that I never ended up sharing--as soon as I can get them all scanned and presentable, I'll post them on another page. That's it for what anyone but me actually saw, though, that's the first webcomic I ever "finished!" Sucks, huh? Well, that's life.