A brutally unfair, endless, roguelite-like (If Balatro counts as a roguelike, you have to count this game as a roguelike too. Those are the rules).
A tiny game and an essay (about tiny games). Works somewhat imperfectly on Firefox! IMO I am way too self deprecating about this game in that essay, I do actually think this game is pretty good, now that I have some hindsight. It's a solid minimalist take on the pickpocketing mechanic from Sly Cooper! (Contains auto-playing audio)
Technically an open world game, made for a game jam. The nearest IRL parallel in Cincinnati to the location presented here would probably be Forest Fair Mall, although they aren't remotely visually similar. Mostly, I just had an idea for an infinite maze game I wanted to do--the other obvious local possibility would be the abandoned subway network I suppose.
A physical card game you can play with pieces of an ordinary playing card deck! Secretly my magnum opus??? Not a digital game, you'll need physical cards to play this lol. It really is my favorite thing I've made, though
Literally just a link to a page of my webcomic. Scroll down to the description box, though, and you'll find a minimalist idle game that I've put hundreds of hours into. I originally wanted this "game" to be a secret page, but at this point it's just easier for me to navigate to if it's linked here. Doesn't work right on Chrome! It's either one browser doesn't work, or another lmao
I actually really dislike daily challenges of this sort, but I sure made one as a programming challenge to myself.
Adaptation of the card game, which itself I adapted into the webcomic you can in the Sub Comics section. Adaptations upon adaptation! I like this game, but it could definitely use a tutorial--it's not very friendly to new players.
I made the perfect game! What would a "perfect" game be, you ask? Well, by my standards, it would be a clicker game that simulates poverty instead of venture capitalism. I guess! Technically speaking, this is one of the first "finished" videogames I'd ever made--first one I'd made in a few years, anyway. It's okay.
Crappy remake of one of the first games I ever "completed." Could be better, but I'm sick of thinking about it, maybe I'll patch it some day. Actually pretty glitchy, it's pretty easy to get softlocked on accident. I probably could've fixed the code, but I was tired.
A game I made for Glorious Trainwreck's Secret Santa Game jam, in which we all list things we'd like to see in a game and then trade lists to each other and make each other's games. I specifically made this one for the user HANSOV, so if you're reading this, I hope you like it! This one is about Stardust the Super Wizard going to the arcade.